Oncology specialist background service in emergency situations

Outside of regular consultation hours, patients undergoing oncological treatment at the Center for Integrative Oncology can contact the oncological specialist background service via the emergency number +41 44 787 20 50 in the event of urgent health problems.

For requests for findings and reports or to make an appointment, please contact us during normal opening hours.

Emergency ambulance call: 144

Emergency situations are for example

  • Severe, uncontrolled pain lasting longer than 2 hours
  • Shortness of breath, breath-dependent pain
  • Chills
  • Fever over 38 degrees for more than 2 hours or once over 38.5 degrees
  • Bladder cramps, pain when urinating, blood in the urine
  • Diarrhea more than three times a day, vomiting more than three times within 24 hours despite taking the correct reserve medication
  • Bleeding

ZIO Zurich

Hardturmstrasse 133
CH-8005 Zurich

Phone: +41 44 448 30 00

ZIO Lake Zurich

Chrummbächliweg 2
CH-8805 Richterswil

Tel: +41 44 787 27 07

ZIO Glarus

Schweizerhofstrasse 1
CH-8750 Glarus

Tel: +41 55 640 44 44

ZIO Winterthur

Brunngasse 6
CH-8400 Winterthur

Phone: +41 52 224 48 80

ZIO Uster

Industrial Park 9
CH-8610 Uster

Phone: +41 44 440 00 26